Thursday, December 29, 2011

Making Progress

Many readers may know that I've been preparing for an exhibition and working on casting a backlog of sculptures for some time. Yesterday, I went to the foundry for the final touches and patina on a replacement  copy (#2 of a max 6 edition) of "Walking Warrior". More importantly, I dropped off the most recently completed clay sculpture tentatively titled "Morning". It was good to see her safely encased in silicone rubber and to know that she will not deteriorate.

Next up, I will need to touch up and cast "Katrina" and attempt to rehabilitate "Zack". Unfortunately, he needs new arms and hands, his lower legs should be re-sculpted and the body started to separate from the armature. I will try to get some photos in order to blog the restoration. Wish me luck - I'll need it!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's Almost Complete...


Last week we had our last session with the model and once I finish the hands/feet and tidy the plinth it will be ready to cast!